Attitude, Behavior, and Exploitation

Generally, history is documentation of hatred, violence, wars, oppression, and bloodshed. One group of people who are smart or powerful or both would dominate the others. The Israelites understood: “And the Egyptians treated us harshly and humiliated us and laid on us hard labor.” (Deuteronomy 26:6)
Harsh treatment: Egyptians thought they were superior to other people. Not only Egyptians, the Romans, Greeks, Jews, and many others had a similar superiority complex. Their claim for superiority could be religious, political, intellectual, philosophical, material prosperity, military might…. etc. Hence, their attitude towards others was always harsh. In their worldview, others do not deserve to be treated as equals. Sadly, they do not know the Royal Law: Love your neighbor as yourself. Therefore, they hate others seeing them as enemies and slaves.
Humiliation: Harsh treatment and lack of love are not only the issues. Dominating people always rob, the less fortunate people of their dignity. Their desire to aspire, dream, or even live is destroyed. Somehow these slaves survive, accepting that as their fate or karma. Most people cannot dream about freedom or dignity. Lower caste people are treated with disdain and called out as impure or polluted to society.
Hard labor: Slaves are put in hard labor: dirty, difficult, and dangerous jobs and exploited economically and socially. Their meager income is not even enough for the survival of the family. Hence, they cannot invest in the future of their children, by sending them to schools. The ruling people are clever to involve even the children or the whole family including the spouse to destroy their future. The Children of Israel were forced to make bricks and build cities and pyramids for them.
Cry to the Lord: The Children of Israel cried, groaned, and prayed to the Lord. In His mercy, God delivered them by sending Moses. Throughout history, God sent missionaries to free many people groups through the gospel. Those people who responded to the Good News were not only spiritually delivered, but even socially and politically set free.
Do I call to the Lord in faith in difficult situations?