REV J N Manokaran

Today's Igniting Insight

One prominent religious leader said: “If you don’t feel humble but wish to become humble then try faking humility.” Wonderful advice: “If you can’t make it, fake it.” Paul also warns that human traditions, teachings, rituals, and penance, could have an appearance of wisdom but is an expression of false humility. (Colossians 2:23) False humility […]

Igniting Insights by Rev. Dr. J.N. Manokaran

Ghana’s outgoing President Nana Akufo-Addo unveiled a statue of himself during a tour of the country’s Western Region. The monument is intended to honor the development initiatives the president has …

The Lord spoke through Prophet Jeremiah condemning leaders of Israel for leading His people in recklessness. (Jeremiah 23:32) Recklessness is defined as behaving without proper caution, careless of consequences, irresponsible, …

Those who fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Many pray but do not plan or prepare. For example, a student neither plans to study, nor prepares for exams, but expects …

A gang of five were close friends. They used to steal electric transformers, dismantle them, and sell them off. They were making good money out of this wicked business. When …

Recently, one food supply organization using a mobile App was raided and found that the stock of mushrooms had a future expiry date. The date printed on the product packets …

There is one so-called worship leader, the son of a pastor of a large congregation. With inheritance of wealth, and prestige, he said: “I write all my songs out of …

Humans are afraid of one thing or the other. When sin entered the lives of Adam and Eve, fear also entered. They were afraid of the good Holy God who …

Reports detailed that the boating accident happened off the Sao Paulo coast, in the region known as Garganta do Diabo, which translates to Devil’s Throat. The partygoers were being transported …

There is a proverb: “You are what you eat.” Human bodies use the energy produced from what is eaten. This proverb is only partially true. As the Lord taught, it …

Some people consider certain countries or cities as heaven on earth. They wish to invest all their efforts, energy, time, resources, and wealth to reach there. However, when they reach …

One young girl aged 24 was married to a man working in a reputed government service. She had to give one million Indian rupees and 400 grams of gold as …

There was an advertisement for a prayer meeting with a theme: Loan cancellation prayer! Does a man of God have the power to cancel all loans by having a mass …

One successful doctor, who had a global reputation believed he was destined by God to be a doctor. From a poor background, he worked hard to become a doctor. He …

There are more than 500 warning signs approved by the US federal government. Each government has its list of warning signs. They are valuable information for those who drive. Now, …

God is gracious to stop His children from doing foolish and wicked things. He could use various means to stop us. However, ignoring such warning signs, some people fall into …

She was obsessed with playing tennis. Though she aspired to become a professional, she could not. Yet, she played tennis every day. One of her friends invited her to the …

The disciples discovered that the secret of the success of the Lord Jesus Christ’s ministry was his intimate communication with the Father. Hence, they requested the Lord to teach them …

There are three important aspects essential for spiritual growth and maturity. It is the Way of life. The Bible states: “For the commandment is a lamp and the teaching a …

Biblical leaders like Isaac prayed for his wife. (Genesis 25:21) In some cultures, it is the responsibility of a wife to fast pray for her husband. That is even celebrated …

There is a book written by Johnson and Suskewicz: “Lead from the Future.” It is about the principles and paradigm for leaders to plan long-term, changing challenges to growth opportunities, …