The entomologist, Edward O Wilson, once calculated that if a leafcutter ant were a 1.8-meter-tall human, it would run a km in two minutes 20 seconds, and keep up that pace over a whole marathon. Then it would pick up a load weighing 150 kg and run back at the slightly slower speed of a km every two-and-a-half minutes. The ants can shift their home, manage traffic jams, and measure accurately the floor of the area of their nest that too in the dark. “Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise. Without having any chief, officer, or ruler, she prepares her bread in summer and gathers her food in harvest.” (Proverbs 6:6-8) Sluggard means lazy. Such people are Lazy in thinking (consideration, reflection) and hence ‘foolish’ – behave as if there is no God and purpose for life. Disciples are called to be like ants: dynamic, and hard-working,
Risk takers: Ants do not fear obstacles, adverse situations, hostile environments, or predators. Certain species of ant would fall and quench the fire, for other ants to cross such areas.
Toilers: Ants work hard, willing to toil many hours without rest. Ants carry weight more than their weight and carry on upward slopes.
Discern Seasons: Ants think about summer during winter, and winter during summer. Ants prepare ahead for the arriving season and gather material for food.
Self-starters: Taking initiative is a mark of leadership. Many people do not start unless told to do so or compelled to do so. Ants are self-starters, none forces them to get out and search for food.
Self-motivated: Diligence is another mark of ants, who are self-motivated. Diligent people will progress and be promoted, to stand before people of authority like kings. (Proverbs 22:29) Jeroboam was a diligent and industrious young man. Solomon spotted him and appointed him as an officer, later he became king. (I Kings 11:28) Sadly, later he became a wicked king.
Self-supervisors: The ants do not have a supervisor to watch their action. There is no need to monitor their movements using CCTV.
Am I a lazy or a diligent disciple?