Bragging about sin

A 19-year-old Indian student Aryan Anand, submitted false documents, including academic transcripts, financial statements, and even a fake death certificate for his father to secure a full scholarship at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania, USA. He bragged about this as a great achievement in his Social Media post: “I have built my life and career by lies.” He was arrested, but on request by the University, he was deported to India. (The Times of India, 28 June 2024.)
False foundation: Lie can neither be a foundation for life nor a career. Such foundations are built on sand that would be washed away. One life that is built on the Word of God, the rock, will withstand all tempests in life. (Matthew 7:24-26)
Fake documents: This boy had a great aspiration. He wanted to achieve this by going to a foreign country, having an education, and moving ahead in life. However, the method and means were wrong. Certificates are awarded by institutions recognizing a knowledge or skill or certain abilities. He self-certified himself by creating fake documents.
Father not spared: Tragically, he obtained a fake death certificate for his father, who was alive. In other words, he murdered his father to make his dream come alive. Probably, his parents approved of what he did. Otherwise, he could not have made such fake documents by himself.
Famous: This boy wanted to be famous as a hero who could pull strings and get things done. Bragging is an expression of pride, and pride goes before a fall. (Proverbs 16:18) Instead of shame, he had pride about his misdeeds.
Favor of God: Some think: ‘God helps those who help themselves.’ He thought by helping himself, he had the favor of God.
Failed philosophy: The Bible teaches that the house of the wicked will be destroyed. The tents of the righteous will flourish. (Proverbs 14:11) The house built with better materials, and a strong foundation will be destroyed as judgment of God. The righteous may be living in a tent, and there with God’s favor will flourish.
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