Breaking the silence and speaking when it is appropriate, important, and timely is wisdom. Spiritually mature people have that wisdom of discernment. “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver. (Proverbs 25:11) Paul spoke to Peter regarding his foolishness of discrimination. (Galatians 2:11-13) Many do not want to break the silence for several reasons. Paul could have experienced a similar temptation. Yet, he overcame his reluctance or Satan’s subtle temptations to speak the truth.
Seniority: First, Peter was much senior to Paul in terms of age and experience. In the world of hierarchy, especially in the Eastern part of the world, speaking against seniors is anti-culture and anti-tradition.
Status: Second, Peter enjoyed a special status as an Apostle, who was with the Lord for three years. He was also picked up to be the leader, as the Lord approved of his statement that He was the Son of God. (Matthew 16:18)
Age: Third, Older people were given respect in ancient cultures. Elihu was younger than the friends of Job, so he restrained himself from speaking until an appropriate time. (Job 32:6)
Experience: Four, In terms of experience in ministry, Peter had a longer experience, and quality experience by ministering with the Lord.
Someone else: Five, Paul could have thought let someone else speak. When there is a sensitive issue, people want someone else to take responsibility.
Why risk? Six, It is dangerous to take a stand or speak the truth, in a zealous or surcharged environment. It is a risk to life, as violence could be unleashed.
Conspiracy of silence: Paul broke the bondage of the conspiracy of silence. Even Barnabas, a mentor of Paul, did not speak up. He sided with Peter and other Judaizers by joining them for a meal and discriminating against the Gentiles.
Speak the truth: Paul spoke the truth because of his conviction that there is no favoritism in God, and His mission. He was courageous to take risks, as truth was more significant than his life or reputation.
Do I speak up and take a stand for the truth or shut up?