Competence without character

One successful doctor, who had a global reputation believed he was destined by God to be a doctor. From a poor background, he worked hard to become a doctor. He had a successful career as a medical professional and was invited to give lectures and do surgeries in many hospitals around the world. However, he became a victim of his success.
Drugs: He wanted to experiment with exotic drugs, which promised a new high experience. Misled by some celebrities, he became a slave of that drug. The drugs were expensive, but he did not mind as he had a successful career. Slowly he became dependent on drugs. Though he was efficient, and protected by his reputation, he floundered in many instances.
Pornography: Then he began to enjoy pornography. His nights were spent in a daze, watching pornography and on drugs. His sexual desire became compulsive and beyond his control.
Women: Since he was well known in the party circles, a successful surgeon, and a rich man, many women were attracted to him. Shrewdly he drugged the women and had sex with them. When women protested, he abused, hit, and bruised them.
Defeat: He was arrested by the police as per complaints from some of the abused women. His dream was shattered and his career came to a sad end.
Call, Character, Competence: David was chosen from shepherding his herd, to lead the Nation of Israel. (Psalms 78:70-72) God chooses or calls people to serve Him and contribute to society. Along with that, there is a need for ‘skillful hands.’ Being a good student, working hard, learning, and practicing could make a person skillful. However, without the integrity of heart, moral high standards, and a righteous attitude, a person cannot be a good leader.
Lack of integrity: In the world today, honesty, trust and loyalty are missing elements. Hence, institutions, governments, and nations are broken. Lawlessness, chaos, and anarchy prevail in many nations. The world needs competence, but not without character.
Do I have a sense of call, character, and competence in my area of service?