Handling social media is a challenge for all today.
1) Daily Deleting: WhatsApp is a wonderful communication tool which is quick, apt, and cheap. There are similar apps like Telegram, Signal etc. However, we get numerous messages, pictures, photos, and videos, sadly many of them are not edifying or beneficial. That is junk information. For many it has become a daily routine, which can be termed as: ‘Daily Deleting.’ Some delete all the messages, photos, and videos. Otherwise, the phone gets clogged and hangs. In other words, the smart phone becomes a ‘confused’ phone, unable to perform.
2) Daily Designing: In the same way, a disciple must delete unwanted, irrelevant, and false ideas, thoughts and paradigms that has filled his/her mind every day from culture, society, community, social media, traditions…etc. However, deleting is not sufficient, as the vacuum would be filled with some other ideas. Hence, a disciple must fill or redesign his/her mind with the thoughts of the Word of God, i.e., truth. That is called the renewal of mind. (Romans 12:2) Daily discipline of reading, meditating, and saturating our mind is essential to be transformed. Daily Designing or redesigning our mind is a sacred spiritual task.
3) Daily Denying: Daily Deleting and Daily Designing leads to Daily Denying. “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”” (Luke 9:23) When a person is renewed in his/her mind by the Truth of the Scripture, that becomes evident in his/her life. Denying self leads a disciple to live like Lord Jesus Christ. Denying also leads to a life of self-control when the mind is renewed, and it reigns over him/her. That means to speak the right words, do good deeds, have the right attitude, holy behaviour and healthy relationships.
4) Daily Dying: A disciple must submit as a living sacrifice unto the Lord daily. (Romans 12:1) That leads to Daily victorious Christian living.
Are spiritual exercises of Deleting, Designing, Denying and Dying all part of my daily spiritual exercise?