Deceptive wage

Recently, one food supply organization using a mobile App was raided and found that the stock of mushrooms had a future expiry date. The date printed on the product packets was at least two days later than the inspection date. The company excused itself, that products were identified by their staff before the raid and were condemned, and the supplier was delisted. (NDTV, 4 November 2024) Sometimes a sticker with extended expiry dates is affixed over the previous labels. The wicked earn deceptive wages. (Proverbs 11:18) God is righteous, he detests sin including robbery, theft, and dishonesty. (Exodus 20:15; Proverbs 6:16-19)
Different weights: In the ancient world, businesspeople could use two sets of weights, projecting both as the same. They are an abomination to the Lord. (Proverbs 20:23)
Different scales: The scales were also tampered with to cheat the customer. Secretly placing a magnet and tying small stones under the plates.
Different meters: Manual or electronic meters are used to measure electricity, water use, gas use, distance traveled…etc. By tinkering with the electric meters, electricity could be stolen. The distance in the tampered meter would show that more distance was traveled, and the customer must pay more.
Different quality: The clothes like shawls could look similar, but the touch could reveal the quality. However, low-quality could be sold for the price of high-quality shawls.
Different marks: Teachers could show favoritism by giving lower grades for some and higher grades for others, for the same kind of answers in the exams.
Different interests: Some banks levy higher interest on poor people while lower interest rates for so-called high-valued customers, who are rich and powerful.
Different taxes: In some nations, the poor pay more taxes than the rich people. In other words, the poor subsidize the rich.
Different Packages: Honey and other dairy products marketed by government-owned firms are cheaper. Some companies buy, repackage, and sell them for huge profit.
Different status: The poor are made to sit on the floor, while the rich are esteemed and given a good place. (James 2:3-4)
Do I desire deceptive wages?