A popular actor wanted to build a house like a huge mansion. The best designer was roped in to do the plan, elevation, and design. When completed it would look elegantly like a seven-star hotel. The building process extended for more than ten years. Before the house could be completed, sadly, he died. He died without seeing his dream house completed and could not live in it for a day. David writes, “Surely a man goes about as a shadow! Surely for nothing they are in turmoil; man heaps up wealth and does not know who will gather!” (Psalm 39:6)
Vain busyness: Ignoring the fact, that life is short, people are busy with many things. Being busy without understanding the purpose of life is dangerous. All human projects, plans, schemes, dreams, desires, and aspirations will soon become nothing. Shortly things will disappear from both sight and memory.
Like shadow: Actually, the world is like the land of shadows, whereas Heaven is the land of reality. The visible world is temporal, heaven is eternal.
Heap wealth: Each person toils hard, works smart, or uses wicked shortcuts to gain wealth. Some are legitimate wealth, and some could be illegitimate wealth. Tragically, many die even before they can enjoy their wealth. Sadly, it goes to people who are unworthy to receive and ungrateful.
Disciplined Disciples: In contrast, the disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ are disciplined in their attitude, paradigm, relationships, and behavior with an eternal focus. First, they have a life purpose that provides them peace, meaning, and joy in this world. Second, they are faithful stewards, do not compare themselves with others or be envious, and learn that contentment with godliness is a great gain. (I Timothy 6:6) Third, as Methodist Founder John Wesley said: Earn all you can, save all you can, and Give all you can. Fourth, by giving to God, His mission work, and the poor they store up treasures in Heaven. (Matthew 6:19-21) God prepares a place for them in heaven and takes them there forever. (John 14:1-3)
Do I desire and long for the Eternal Home?