Fake Pastors and murderous shepherds

Strangely, in the last days the number of false teachers, false prophets, and false pastors multiplies. The self-appointed pastor Vimal Raj, 35 years old, strangulated his wife Vaishali to death. He faked it as a natural death and tried to bury her in his village. He was arrested and he confessed his crime. (Times of India, 1 May 2024)

Lazy and Crazy: Some become pastors to be lazy. They presume that being a pastor is not hard work, but instead plenty of leisure and highly rewarding jobs. However, the field reality is different. True pastors ought to work hard, sacrifice, invest, and endure patiently for results. Paul compares Christian workers to a sportsperson, a soldier, and a farmer. (II Timothy 2:3-7)

Dowry demon: The Indian Law forbids giving or taking dowry. It is a criminal offense. Sadly, many Christians are criminals including pastors and preachers as they violate this law. It violates the Eighth and Tenth Commandments. (Exodus 20:1-17) Dowry is the first Dakshina (sacred offering) when the husband is a god, and the wife is a devotee and slave. The Bible does not teach this concept. Instead, the Bible affirms both males and females are created in the image of God.

Abuse: Marriage is a holy covenant when two humans become one. Harming the spouse is self-destruction. The so-called pastor did not have a basic understanding of marriage, was ignorant of the term covenant, and was involved in self-destruction.

Murder: The pastor violated the Sixth Commandment that forbids murder. His wife was not only his spouse, a servant of God and her body was the temple of the Holy Spirit. That means he destroyed God’s temple, surely a blasphemer. (I Corinthians 6:19-20)

Boy preference: Children, boys or girls are a gift and a reward from God. (Psalms 127:3) Partiality and favoritism are sins as God does not show favoritism. (Romans 2:11) Craze for having a son, who will take care of in old age is a flawed cultural idea. The Bible teaches parents should leave inheritance for children. (Proverbs 13:22)

Do I follow unbiblical ideas and false teachers?