Two small boys are playing on the hillside. There is a huge rock, bigger than them and they tried to roll it over. Both exerted pressure with their two hands, even heads, but it did not budge. They drank some water and tried again, but no use. Perhaps, an energy drink would help, they drank and tried again, but futile. Was any work done? No. Was energy spent? Yes. Was time spent? Yes. A lot of energy, and time was spent without productivity or purpose. Dissipated energy is wasted energy. Peter portrays people’s fascination with sin – its entertainment, momentary joy, debauchery, and idolatry as a flood of Dissipation. (I Peter 4:4)
Consumption of food: The rich are becoming richer; the poor are becoming poorer. The elite people in cities are living in pride, prosperous ease, and are overfed like those in Sodom and Gomorrah. (Ezekiel 16:49) Like the rich man who ignored poor Lazarus, the elite have removed the poor from their mind. (Luke 16:19-31)
Consumption of data: Telecom companies report a dramatic increase in the consumption of data through smartphones. People may not have enough to eat but have more than enough to watch and connect using social media.
Consumption of entertainment: There are multiple new media companies, small and large producing a torrent of videos that are gulped by the people. Movies and series of episodes are not created in studios and in places like Hollywood, made in many locations using digital technology. Thousands of 24/7 channels offer banquets for the lust of eyes and the lust of the flesh.
Consumption of pornography: Digital technology has amplified, multiplied, and morphed sexual sins as banquets for wicked, criminal, and fantastical imagination. Many youngsters are casualties of this addiction, including pastors.
Insulated, not isolated: Believers should be insulated from this worldliness, but not isolated from sinners, who are like sheep without a shepherd. Should be available to help them to be delivered from the clutches of Satan, and be vigilant not to be consumed by flash floods.
Am I watchful not to be swayed by the flood of Dissipation?