Food becomes medicine

The food processing business has a global market. Some advertisements claim that their food or food supplement functions as medicine as well. God promised to bless bread and water, sickness will be removed from His people, and none will miscarry or be barren. (Exodus 23:25-26)

Necessity: Food is a basic necessity for all humans. Without food, people could die of starvation. Though people have food, if it is not balanced, could have stunted growth, and be malnourished. Scientists have researched throughout history to find the best food, healthy food, nutritious food, and one that gives long life. However, no one could find a kind of food that stops physical decay and death.

Sin and curse: There was no sickness, in the Garden of Eden. Only after the sin of disobedience by the first couple Adam and Eve, pain, sickness, and suffering entered the universe. The land will fail to yield as intended. That means there would be flaws. Food combinations would have deficiencies that could cause stunted growth and other sickness. Some of the bacteria and viruses became benign and dangerous for the human body.

Medicine and cure: In general, God has skilfully created the human body and can repair itself. In addition, various kinds of medicine have been discovered for healing with the help of chemicals, salts, herbs, minerals, extracts…God could answer prayer for healing according to His will.

Bread alone? Satan wanted to create a myth that food is the most important thing in life. He tempted Eve and was successful. Esau fell to this strategy. However, the Lord Jesus Christ rejected the misconception. After forty days of fasting Lord Jesus Christ was tempted by Satan to convert stones into bread, which he refused saying: “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” (Matthew 4:4) Disciples should not prioritize the perishable food for physical bodies but the food given by the Son of God for the inner person (soul and spirit), that endures for eternal life. (John 6:27)

Do I desire the Bread of Life? (John 6:35)