Four Pillars of Life

Jacob had a remarkable life. His spiritual journey could be understood from the four pillars that he erected.
Pillar of Revelation: Jacob was wisely sent away by Rebekah, with the consent of Isaac. On the first evening, as he took a stone and made it a pillar and slept, he had the vision. Heavens opened, a ladder reached the heavens, and angels descended and ascended. (Genesis 28:18) God revealed Himself as a God of covenant and Promise.
Pillar of Separation: Jacob, his wives, and his children had to be separated from Laban. (Genesis 31:45) First, though Jacob and Laban had common ancestors, they were separated as two different branches of the family. God commanded Jacob to go back to his family. (Genesis 31:13) Second, they were separated by faith, as Jacob swore by the Fear of Isaac; but Laban swore by God of Abraham, Nahor, and Terah. Third, Jacob had the vision, guidance, and direction of God. As disciples, God calls them to be separate because of faith, vision, and call.
Pillar of Transformation: Jacob had a problem with his old carnal nature. Paul calls disciples to put off the old man or nature and put on the new man or nature. (Ephesians 4:22-23) When God’s work is done in a person’s life, can declare along with Paul: ‘No longer I, but Christ lives in me.” (Galatians 2:20) God had to work in the life of Jacob to transform into Israel. Jacob by erecting the pillar confessed: “God has called me Israel, so am I.” (Genesis 35:14)
Pillar of Resurrection: The fourth pillar represents the triumph of faith. (Genesis 35:20) The pillar announced that his precious person Rachael died here, and Benjamin was born. Rachael called him Benoni, Son of my sorrow. But Jacob called him Benjamin – son of my right hand – honor, power, and glory. This is symbolic of the cross. The Lord was called the man of sorrows, who died and rose again to be seated on the right hand of the Father. (Hebrews 10:12)
Do I see this pattern in my spiritual journey?