In the world, people like to have high IQ (Intelligence and Intelligent Quotient), EQ (Emotional Quotient), Physical Quotient (PQ), Cultural Quotient (CQ), Adversity Quotient (AQ), and even SQ (Spiritual Quotient) However, the Bible teaches to Get Wisdom, Insight that keeps, loves, and guards His people. (Proverbs 4:6-9) Yes, Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. (Proverbs 9:10)
A recent forward message in WhatsApp provides differences between intelligence and wisdom.
1. Intelligence leads to arguments. Wisdom leads to settlements.
2. Intelligence is the power of will. Wisdom is power OVER will.
3. Intelligence is heat, it burns. Wisdom is warmth, it comforts.
4. Intelligence is the pursuit of knowledge; it tires the seeker. Wisdom is the pursuit of truth; it inspires the seeker.
5. Intelligence is holding on. Wisdom is letting go.
6. Intelligence leads you. Wisdom guides you.
7. An intelligent man thinks he knows everything. A wise man knows that there is still something to learn.
8. An intelligent man always tries to prove his point. A wise man knows there is no point.
9. An intelligent man freely gives unsolicited advice. A wise man keeps his counsel until all options are considered.
10. An intelligent man understands what is being said. A wise man understands what is left unsaid.
11. An intelligent man speaks when he has to say something. A wise man speaks when he has something to say.
12. An intelligent man sees everything as relative. A wise man sees everything as related.
13. An intelligent man tries to control the mass flow. A wise man navigates the mass flow.
14. An intelligent man preaches. A wise man reaches.
15. Intelligence may make you rich, but wisdom will make you happy.
16. Intelligence may make you arrogant, but wisdom will make you humble.
“But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.” (James 3:17-18) Intelligence is good, but wisdom is best.
Am I blessed with wisdom from above?