Gift of discernment

Infants lack discernment. Even a dangerously sharp knife is a toy. As a child grows, he can make informed or intellectual choices. In the spiritual life also, discernment is essential for a victorious Christian life. Those who lack discernment will fall into sin and fail.
Spirits: Apostle John challenges the disciples to discern good spirits from evil spirits. (I John 4:1)
False teaching: Good disciples could easily discern the false teaching. The Jews in Berea were able to discern if Paul’s teaching was true or not. (Acts 17:11)
False prophets: They are like wolves in sheep’s clothing. Many undiscerning believers have backslidden and have become members of dangerous cults and have destroyed their eternal future.
Demon possessed: The Lord Jesus Christ discerned those who were possessed by the evil spirit. (Mark 5:6-13) Paul was able to discern the evil spirit possessed the slave girl and delivered her. (Acts 16:16-18)
Spiritual status: The gift of discernment helps to understand the spiritual status of individuals. (Acts 14:9) Paul was able to perceive that the crippled man from birth had faith to be healed and he was healed. Peter discerned the lie of Ananias and Sapphira, and that Simon the sorcerer’s heart was not right with God. (Acts 5,8:20)
Discernment of time: God has definite timing and timetable. In the fullness of time, God sent His Son into this world. (Galatians 4:4) The Jewish religious leaders could discern and interpret the weather conditions by looking up at the sky but were not able to discern the times, especially God’s work in history. (Matthew 16:3)
Discernment of environment: God appeared to Moses amid the Burning Bush. Moses did not realize God’s presence. (Exodus 3:5) Lot and his family were not able to discern the sinful environment. Hence, they chose to live there and the family reaped the consequences. (Genesis 13:10-13)
Discernment about partnerships: Jehoshaphat was a good, godly, and spiritual king. Yet, he partnered with Ahab and his family which had severe consequences. Solomon erred by choosing political partnerships by marrying foreign women. (I Kings 11:1-3)
Do I have spiritual discernment?