God is the ultimate healer!

God is the ultimate healer. He promised to bless the food (bread and water) and heal the diseases. (Exodus 23:25) The food, is also the medicine. God as the creator, could repair or replace the parts of the body that are diseased or damaged. However, God decides his method and timing of healing. Some are instant, others are a process, and some are intended for the future.
Divine Healing: This healing is miraculous, instant, and beyond comprehension. A man who was paralyzed for thirty-eight years was instantly healed by the Lord Jesus Christ. (John 5:1-15) The ten lepers were instantly healed. (Luke 17:11-19) The Lord sent His Word and healed the Centurion servant. (Luke 7:1-10) John and Peter instantly healed a paralyzed man who was begging at the Gate Beautiful of the Temple in Jerusalem. (Acts 3) There are numerous biblical examples from the experiences of the people of God.
Medicinal healing: God sometimes chooses medicinal or interventional (surgery) healing. God promised healing for Hezekiah, but he had to apply a cake of figs on his boils to be healed. (II Kings 20:7-11) The Lord spit, and mixed dust with saliva and applied it on the eyes of the blind man, commanding him to wash in the Pool of Siloam. (John 9:6-12) Paul advises Timothy to take some wine for his stomach ailment. (I Timothy 5:23) The Church has always been involved in Medical Missions.
Redemption and Resurrection: All the saints who die in the Lord shall be resurrected and will have a transformed glorious body. That body will not have any defect, blemish, infection, sickness, weakness, or disease. For in Heaven, there is no pain, no tears, no suffering. (Revelation 21:4) Paul will not have the thorn in the flesh anymore. A polio-affected child will jump and run, and so will Amy Carmichael who was bedridden glorifying God.
God’s Will: It is God who decides what kind of healing He will bestow upon people. No one can demand or coerce God to do in a particular way.
Do I gratefully receive God’s healing in His chosen method?