God’s righteous judgments

Sometimes, in the world, righteous people are frustrated as sin, corruption, and violence abound. When will God judge the wicked? Sometimes, the punishment and judgment are sudden, at other times, it seems to be delayed. The Righteous God does not make any mistake. Pharaoh commanded the Children of Israel, who were slaves in Egypt to throw male children in the River Nile. (Exodus 1:22) Pharaoh did not know how God was righteous. This Pharoah’s descendant along with 600 charioteers were drowned in the Red Sea. (Exodus 15:4)
Foundation: Righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne. (Psalms 97:2) The Sovereign God as creator and judge rules the whole world. His rule is based on truth, righteousness, and justice. There is no miscarriage of justice in His eternal reign.
Vengeance: God executes justice and Vengeance belongs to God. (Psalm 94:1, Romans 12:19-21) Some wicked people threaten others and out of fear, no one files a case against them in police or testify in the court. Such wicked people think they can escape the judgment of God. The Bible states God will demand an account from them also.
Mocking God: God is not mocked, what man sows, he will exactly reap the same. (Galatians 6:7-8) Wicked people may think that they are only against hapless and helpless victims. No one is there to save them or resist them. By doing so, they are mocking God, His righteousness, and His Lordship. They will reap as they sowed, just as Pharaoh’s descendants drowned as they tried to drown innocent babies to perpetuate their rule.
Fearful thing: It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. (Hebrews 10:31) Wicked desire that God be dead or blind, dumb, and deaf. However, the God of the Bible is alive, perceives, understands, evaluates the intentions, and executes judgment. He is a consuming fire and would destroy the wicked.
Persistence: Disciples are expected to trust God and call him night and day, like the persistent widow, for the just Lord will answer at the appropriate time. (Luke 18:1-8)
Do I understand God’s righteous judgments?