There are many descriptions of the Word of God. One of the descriptions is that the bible is like fire. (Jeremiah 23:8-9)
Ignite: When the dried leaves are heaped, a fire ignites and the whole heap is turned to dust. Humans are dead in their trespasses, when the gospel touches a person, there is ignition. (Ephesians 2:1) The gospel light shines in the hearts of people. (II Corinthians 4:6)
Conscience burnt: When the accusers heard that those without sin could throw the first stone, and saw as the Lord wrote on the ground, their conscience got burnt. One after the other all left. (John 8: 1-9) Those who do not repent, when the Word of God is spoken will have a seared conscience. (I Timothy 4:2)
Purifies: The Word of God purifies a person. The Lord Jesus Christ said that His word sanctifies a person. (John 17:17) As a person meditates on the Word of God, he is purged off all pollution, corruption, and yeast.
Light: The world has plunged into spiritual darkness because of the sin of the first couple. To lead a God-honoring spiritual life is not possible without the light of the Word of God. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” (Psalms 119:105)
Warms the hearts: After the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, two disciples were traveling from Jerusalem on the Emmaus Road. They could not recognize the risen Lord. However, the Lord taught them from the Law and Prophets. The Lord revealed Himself during dinner. Then the disciples spoke with one another stating they experienced warmth in their hearts when they heard the resurrected Lord speak. (Luke 24:32-34)
Fuses fellowship: The Word of God unites the people of God together through the unity of the spirit. (Ephesians 4:3,13) They share the same spiritual food, Manna the Word of God. They are united in Worship, Word, and Witness.
Judgment: The Lord is a consuming fire. (Hebrews 12:29) Fire consumed Nadab and Abihu for their disobedience in offering sacrifices. (Leviticus 10:1)
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