Gospel is a Great Communication

The Risen Lord summoned His disciples before His ascension and gave the Great Commission. (Matthew 28:18-20) The disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ are called, consecrated, and commissioned to go to the nooks and corners of the world sharing the gospel and making new disciples among all people. This Great Commission is indeed Great Communication. According to communication theories, there are three goals for communication.

1. Self-Presentation:
A communicator self-discloses himself or herself. Who the communicator is and how she wants to be perceived? Self-presentation is both verbal and nonverbal. The way a person is in terms of the outward look itself communicates. A security personnel in his uniform communicates his role and status. A nurse in her uniform communicates her role and status. The name on the uniform batch also communicates the name of the person, as well as his designation. With words, that person could introduce himself, and provide other details. The disciples of Ambassadors of Christ, salt of the earth and light of the world.

2. Relationship goals:
Through communication, relationships are created, enhanced, and established. There are different kinds of relationships like friendship, business partners, fellowship, workplace connections, social media friendship…etc. The Great Commission communication is to call sinners to repent and reconcile with God, through the Lord Jesus Christ, which is termed as the ministry of reconciliation. (II Corinthians 5:18)

3. Instrumental goals:
Communication could be used to inform people in case of awareness creation for the public good. In educational institutions and other places, communication is used to provide instruction. Communication is used to persuade people to make decisions. Christian communication of the gospel is to create awareness of sin, separation from God, and the consequences of sin. It is also to proclaim the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross, was buried, and rose again, to forgive sins and provide eternal salvation. It is to persuade people to repent and become His disciples. They could be baptized and become a member of the Church, the Body of Christ.

Does my gospel communication fulfill these goals?