Head or tail

In ancient Babylon, there were four classes: Priests, kings, citizens, and slaves. A similar class system existed in the Roman Empire too. In India, there is a four-tier caste system, with the belief, that God created Priests from the head, knights and kings from the chest, merchants and farmers who feed us from his stomach, and those from the legs to serve the other three. Some do not fall into these four and are destined to do menial jobs. In the class system, people could move up or down according to their income. In the caste system, they are locked into one according to the birth. Interestingly, God promises to make his people head and not tail. (Deuteronomy 28:13)
Privileges: The hierarchy of class and caste system is that those on the top of the heap had immense privileges, riches, influence, and power. The highest hierarchy status gives them social, political, economic, and religious power over others.
Religious access: Priests enjoy a higher status because they have access to God, and listen to their chants, mantras, and petitions. Believers are blessed. They can sing with David: “Blessed is the one you choose and bring near, to dwell in your courts! We shall be satisfied with the goodness of your house, the holiness of your temple! (Psalms 65:4)
Social standing: The influence of the privileged class/caste in the society is high. They are respected because of their religious prowess. Believers are the salt of the earth, the light of the world, and are like a city on a hill. (Matthew 5:14-16) The Bible teaches that those who reject Christ are spiritually blind, and grope in darkness. As children of light believers are beacons of hope, a great influence.
Knowledge access: Education, knowledge, and wisdom were monopolized by the elite and was forbidden for others. Believers possess True knowledge, which is knowing the Lord Jesus Christ, the giver of eternal life. (John 17:3)
Head, not tail: All believers are head and not tail as promised by Moses to the people of God.
Have I inherited the blessing of being head?