Healing for all?

A man was sitting in his wheelchair. He intently listened to the preaching and had faith, his relatives were all believers and expected to be healed by the prayer of the preacher. Three days were the meetings, but he was not healed. Disappointed and disillusioned he went home. According to him, the preacher had promised all the sick would be healed. But it did not happen. Does the Bible promise healing for all or it was a false promise?

God’s Plan:
The man who was paralyzed was sitting at the Beautiful gate of the Temple of Jerusalem. Lord Jesus Christ had frequented the Temple and its vicinity several times during His ministry. Yet, the Lord did not heal him. Later, he was healed by Peter and John in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Acts 3:1-10) A man who was paralyzed and lying beside the pool of Bethesda for thirty-eight years was healed by the Lord. (John 5:1-15) The others who were there anticipating healing were not healed. It was not God’s plan to start a hospital or medical college, his mission was the redemption of humanity. These miracles were signs attesting His Deity.

Lack of faith:
The Lord did not do miracles in Nazareth, his hometown, because of unbelief. (Matthew 13:58, Mark 6:4-13) Faith is to believe in God and trust Him to reward those who seek him.

Manifestation of God’s power
God allowed sickness in the life of a few people. Paul had a ‘thorn in the flesh’ that was bothering, irritating, and annoying him. Yet, the Lord did not heal him but assured His power would be manifested in his weakness due to sickness. Paul thought it was to keep him humble. God’s power could heal or give grace, abilities, and skills to use the same for the Higher Purposes of God. (II Corinthians 12:7-10) Fanny Crosby who lost her eyesight at the age of six, wrote 8000 songs that have been sung in churches around the world for two centuries.

Do I realize God’s Plan, Purpose, and Power in my life?