Illusion or Enlightenment

There was a young man. He was a genuine religious person. His understanding was that God was within himself. By performing rituals, penance, abstinence, and submission he could find God, and then become god himself. In this pursuit, his business was neglected, wife and children were left to fend for themselves. Many hours he spent in isolation, sometimes in a state of trance. One day his trance continued, and he was in a coma stage. His wife cared for him as she would care for a child. Then he died. In his pursuit of light, within himself ended up as an illusion.
Image of God: God created humans in the image of God. However, as Adam and Eve sinned, they lost the glory and communication with God. As descendants of Adam and Eve, all humans are sinners. Some religious sect followers seek to become in the image of God or god, by discovering god in their own self. Instead of seeking the transcendent eternal God, they presume that they are gods, and want to realize their godship through some disciplines like penance and religious rituals.
Enlightenment: The Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ came into the world as light, to enlighten everyone who comes to Him in humility, repentance, and faith. (John 1:9) God loves all humans, no one is exempt, and all are given opportunities to receive the light.
Revelation: God has revealed Himself through His creation, Word, and the Lord Jesus Christ. Before humans could take the initiative to search for God, he came searching for man. It happened in the Garden of Eden, where God called out Adam and Eve. The incarnation is God becoming a man, Jesus to redeem the perishing humanity.
Reception: God’s revelation should be gratefully received. Windows should be opened to let the light into a closed room. In the same way, the heart and mind of a person should be open to receive the Light of the gospel. The shut mind of darkness, evil, rebellion, and immorality cannot be enlightened.
Have I received the Light of the Gospel, and become a child of God?