Incarnation or virtual reality?

A church has branch churches in multiple cities. However, there is only one Pastor who preaches, and with modern digital technology, he is virtually seen and heard from giant screens. In a way, technology helps the human aspiration to conquer space and time. However, it is not flesh and blood, but a virtual reality. God did not choose to come into this world as a virtual reality but as a human. (John 1:14-18)
Pen and Ink: Apostle John expressed his dissatisfaction with communicating using pen, ink, and papyrus. (III John 1:13-14) He wanted to see his readers, face to face, have sweet fellowship with them. Impersonal communication did not satisfy John.
Shepherds: The Bible teaches that the Christian leaders are preeminently shepherds. Absent shepherds for a flock are not possible. Shepherds must dwell, live, care, feed, clean, guide, and protect the sheep. They must dirty their hands, doing this task. Ministry involves a personal commitment, interaction, fellowship, weeping, embracing, eating, and drinking together. Technology cannot replace incarnational ministry.
Super-shepherds? Some leaders think they are super-shepherds of the sheep. They forget that the Lord Jesus is the Chief Shepherd, Great Shepherd, and Good Shepherd of the sheep. (I Peter 5:4; Hebrews 13:20; Psalms 23:1) All humans are just under-shepherds. These super-shepherds discourage and even destroy other shepherds who are emerging to do ministry.
Insecure shepherds? Many such leaders are insecure about their call, but overconfident about their gifting. They fear that their position may be taken over by others and they will be left jobless. Instead of trusting God who called them, they trust their talents, spiritual gifts, and skills. Their insecurity is masked by their performance. Any gifted or talented youngster is a threat to such leaders.
God’s flock: As Moses was taking care of his father-in-law Jethro’s flock and Jacob taking care of Laban’s flock, God has entrusted few people in the care of elders, pastors, and leaders in a given context. Human leaders are just stewards and not owners of the flock.
Do I understand, appreciate, and apply the principle of incarnation in my life?