Money flees

A clerk working in the bank received his salary. He took cash of rupees two thousand and paid it to the grocery shop owner in his neighborhood. The shop owner took the cash and went and paid to the Wholesale grocery business owner. At that time the truck supplier came with the supplies the business owner gave him that cash. The truck supplier went to the same bank and paid the cash against his pending loan. The cash returned from where it came, but many people had some benefits. Interesting!
Mammon: One politician said: “Money is not god, but not less than god.” The Lord Jesus Christ invited people to choose God or Mammon. (Matthew 6:24-26) In the world, the most powerful thing is money. However, money is not good enough. Satan personifies himself as money many times.
Temporal: Money is functional only in the world. Currency notes issued by one country are not valid in another country. It cannot buy spiritual blessings like peace, joy, and forgiveness of sins.
Fleeting: This is a marvelous description of money and temporal riches. “When your eyes light on it, it is gone, for suddenly it sprouts wings, flying like an eagle toward heaven. (Proverbs 23:5)
Not dependable: Those who depend on riches will fail and fall like leaves in the Autumn season. (Proverbs 11:28)
Eternal riches: God has given opportunities to gain eternal riches using temporal money. The exchange rate is enormous. Hence the Lord exhorted His disciples to store treasure in heaven where it will not be devalued, demonetized, stolen, rusted, or become redundant. (Matthew 6:19-20) With the riches of the world, it is possible to gain eternal friends. (Luke 16:9) Those who store are godly people who live with contentment, which is a great gain. (I Timothy 6:10)
In God We Trust: The USA believed that money is worthless, and hence their currencies carry this slogan. Some trust in riches or power, but people of God trust in His Name. (Psalms 20:7-8) Peter and John trusted His Name, and the paralyzed man was healed. (Acts 3:6-8)
Is my trust in God alone?