Moonstones for diamonds

A US tourist Cherish visiting Jaipur purchased jewelry for a staggering Rs 6 crore (approximately USD 870,000). Experts identified the jewelry as mere imitation, worth a measly Rs 300 (approximately USD 4). The sellers have given a fake authenticity certificate too. Instead of natural diamonds, they placed moonstones, and gold was also underweighted. (Business Today, 11 June 2024) Probably Cherish thought she had got a great deal as the man in the Pearl of Great Price.
Pearl of Great Price: The Lord taught: “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.” (Matthew 13:45-46)
Great Value: The Lord Jesus Christ taught that the Gospel offers the Kingdom of God, which is of great value and cannot be counted by world standards and riches. Those who receive, believe the gospel is like the wise merchant who gave up all to get the most esteemed one.
Counterfeit: A counterfeit resembles the original, but it is fake. Cherish, without discernment, considered the mere appearance good enough to believe. Satan also deceives people by placing counterfeit spirituality promoted by myriad religions, cults, and gurus.
Fake certificate: The sellers deceived Cherish by providing fake authentication. Many False messiahs including anti-Christ will have such authentication from false prophets, false teachers, political leaders, and celebrities. Sometimes these false shepherds authenticate themselves by doing miracles, which the Saviour rejects stating He does not know them. (Matthew 7:21-23)
Gain the whole world: It is possible to gain the whole world and lose one’s soul. (Matthew 16:26) The sellers could make a million-time profit, but they have already lost their souls to Satan by worshipping mammon, and for eternal damnation. Cherish who bought it without discernment hence lost it.
True riches: It is not to be deceived, mesmerized, and blinded by worldly riches. It is to receive the gospel, accept the Lord Jesus Christ, and become a citizen of heaven is the true eternal possession.
Have I received the Pearl of Great Value?