One – talented man

One leader in a mission organization said: “Ninety percent of full-time workers are lazy or incompetent or unwilling to learn and live in semi-retirement.” The Bible warns: Those who are lax or deceitful in the work of the Lord will be cursed. (Jeremiah 48:10) The work of God has eternal implications, hence a negligent Sunday school teacher or leaders of youth, men, women fellowships, bible teachers, pastors, evangelists, worship leaders, and prophets are cursed, even when they do the work of God. They could be compared to the man who was given one talent and ended up losing what he had, and being rejected, punished, and judged. (Matthew 25: 14-30)
Ignorant: Some people are ignorant, and some choose to be ignorant. But, ignorance of the law is no excuse, so is ignorance of truth. The one-talented man was ignorant of the character and vision of the Master, the value of the talent given, the potential for wealth creation, and the gift of time.
Idle and Inactive: He had two busy colleagues, working hard, learning new skills, and exploring new ideas; the two and five talented men. Being idle means the inability to learn and work. He was lazy and unwilling to work in the way it should be done. Yes, instead of doing business, he was digging a field in the night to hide the money, which was futile.
Insensitive: He was insensitive to the desires and wishes of his master. Like the church in Laodicea, he was neither cold nor hot, fit to be rejected. (Revelation 3:15-17)
Ill-prepared: Preparation meets opportunity. Only those who are prepared can optimally use the opportunity that comes their way. This man was not prepared mentally, intellectually, emotionally, or in skills to exploit the opportunity.
Incompetent: A competent person discovers his own talents and gifts. Then develop those by training and increasing the knowledge. So that they are effectively and productively used. The One-talented man did not know his talents, gifts, skills, and abilities. Hence, he ended up becoming bankrupt.
Do I do the work entrusted to me with diligence, care, and sincerity?