Phone Number blocked

Phone numbers could be blocked. As he has determined to divorce her, a husband blocks the phone numbers of his wife. He has come to a place where there was no reconciliation or saw her behavior could not be tolerated anymore.

Prayer shut out: When God judged the Nation of Judah by sending Babylonians to destroy the city of Jerusalem including their cherished temple. Prophet Jeremiah laments: “He has shut out my prayer.” (Lamentations 3:8) His intercession for Judah was not heeded. God is not obliged to always listen to prayers. The Bible provides some insights regarding prayers being blocked.

Poor ignored: When people of God ignore the cry of the poor, God need not answer the prayer. (Proverbs 21:13) Ignoring the poor includes ridiculing, demeaning, and cursing the poor.

Doubt: God need not answer the prayers of the people who doubt. (James 1:5-7) Those who come to Him should believe He exists and reward those who seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6)

Proud: God opposes the proud, hence such people’s prayers are not answered. (James 4:6) Pride does not allow a person to seek God’s help. Only in desperation, s/he may seek help. Without humility, God will not act on behalf of them.

Violent: Those whose hands are covered with blood, though they might pray, such prayers would not be listened to by God. (Isaiah 1:15) Having an attitude of being violent, approving violence and feet rushing to shed blood are abominations for the Lord. (Isaiah 59:7)

Relationship with spouse: Husbands who do not honor their wives and vice versa would experience hindrance to prayer. (I Peter 3:7) Loving, covenant relationship with one mind is necessary for prayers to be answered.
Selfish prayers: Prayers with wrong motives, selfish motives, and wicked motives will not be answered. (James 4:3)
Sin esteemed: Prayers of people who esteem or give high regard to wickedness, will not be heard. (Psalms 66:18)
Mistreat God’s people: Those who mistreat, harass, and persecute God’s genuine servants, their prayers will not be heard. (Micah 3:2-5)

Should I repent, for God not to shut my prayers?