There were three friends who were bureaucrats with the government met after a decade. They shared their life journeys, which could be summed up like this. First, “I came up working hard and making sacrifices. Now, I am enjoying life. Good family, good food, foreign vacations, car, comforts…etc. Second, “My father paid a huge bribe and got me in. Now, I am trying to get back that ‘investment’.” Third, “I like to do good. I am in a place where I can help poor, change policies, implement justice and do righteousness.” The third person had an attitude of doing good from his place of influence, while others were selfish.
Mordecai also spoke to Esther similarly. Esther has reached a place of influence, for doing good, what is right, prevent violence and establish justice. “And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14) Esther and Mordecai may not have understood, how Satan was trying to destroy the whole Nation of Israel so that ‘Messiah’ would not be born. Nevertheless, they did what was right at that point of time.
How a person comes to a place of influence in this imperfect world could be complicated or confusing; ethical and unethical; legal or illegal. However, when they are in the place of influence, how they behave is important. All humans are expected to do what is good, right and just. James defines sin: “So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.”” (James 4:17)
The Judge who did not fear God understood he was in the place of influence and did justice to the persistent widow. Thought the widow has to persistently, consistently and continuously ‘tired’ him by her presence and plea. (Luke 18:4-6)
Am I doing optimally good from my place of influence?