A bishop had to run for his life in a country in Africa. A civil war forced him to leave his home to a refugee camp. There he understood how much minimum he could carry. Prophet Jeremiah tells the people of the nations, whom God will judge to prepare themselves with baggage for exile. (Jeremiah 46:19) Today, people all over the world face unexpected natural and man-made disasters. Many who never expected anything, but peace and stability are surprised, stunned, and shocked.
Tsunami: A few decades ago, this word was not in the vocabulary of many languages. Now, it is a universal word in all languages. Thousands died, many disappeared, were injured, and many lost their houses, and all belongings in many nations in December 2004.
Cyclone & Tornado: Three hurricanes hit Florida in the year 2024. The residents cleaned up the damage Hurricane Helene did, as the next Milton hit them. Insurance companies go bankrupt, unable to pay for damages.
Flash floods: This seems to be happening around the world. In November 2024 flash floods in Spain killed over 200 people, many houses were damaged and cars floated in the water.
Wildfire: A few towns were destroyed by wildfires in the State of California in the USA. Many houses and businesses were destroyed in several towns.
Earthquakes: Sudden earthquakes in unexpected areas have killed thousands of people, and the economy collapsed locally.
Civil War: People fighting against one another in the name of race, language, tribe, or religion have killed thousands in many parts of the world. In some cases, it could be termed as genocide.
Wars: It is disheartening to see human suffering in a prolonged war between nations. People maimed, dead, orphans, widows, fatherless, motherless, homeless, and the collapse of the economy are some results of wars.
Spiritual Preparation: Nevertheless, disciples of the Lord are called to be always ready for His Coming. For this inner spiritual preparation is vital, and no need for exile baggage. It is not a hopeless journey of despair, but to be with the Lord forever.
Am I prepared to meet the Lord?