Rare Attributes in Man

Over 100 years ago J. C. Ryle wrote, “Two things are said to be very rare sights in the world–one is a young man humble, and the other is an old man content. I fear this saying is only too true.” Believers have to exemplify not only these two qualities but also add Holiness and righteousness.

Humility: The young people always display enthusiasm and energy. The rich young man who came to the Lord Jesus Christ was bubbling with energy, dynamism, and aspiration to please God. Lord looked at him with love and compassion. He lacked humility and was not willing to give away what exalted him to a rich status. Taking up the cross was an affront to his identity and dignity. (Luke 18:18-23) Certainly, humility leads to dependence on God and obedience. Proud people, neither listen to the advice of others nor seek the counsel of God.

Contentment: According to J.C. Ryle: The old people lack contentment. Sometimes, it is about missed opportunities, cheated by others, losses, sickness, unrealized aspirations, and unfulfilled dreams. They resort to envy, bitterness, and anger. Tragically, they compare themselves with others who are better and feel inferior. Unable to forgive others or the happenings of the past, they grow bitter. Suppressed anger makes them restless and desperate. Paul could confidently assert that he had a life of contentment, expecting an unfading eternal crown of righteousness, though he was in prison. (II Timothy 4:7-8)

Holiness: God who is Holy has called His people unto holiness. (I Peter 1:15-16) Instead of being ignorant, they should know the truth and be sober-minded. They should worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness. (Psalms 96:9)

Righteousness: God has declared those who repent and receive the Lord Jesus as righteous. (Romans 5:1) This is the position or status before God the Father. Yet, all disciples are expected to lead righteous life. Righteousness is the Kingdom value and should be the priority of the believers. (Matthew 6:33)

Do I possess humility, contentment, holiness, and righteousness as marks of the Christian life?