Paul from prison writes to the believers in the city of Philippi, where he was once imprisoned, to rejoice in the Lord always. (Philippians 4:4) Is it practically possible, or a good ideal? Remember, Christian faith is always a practical lifestyle.
Acquitted, declared righteous: All humans, as descendants of Adam and Eve are sinners, condemned awaiting eternal damnation. However, God sent His Son Jesus to die on behalf of humanity to forgive the sins of those who believe and declare them as righteous. (Romans 5:1-11) Any condemned person, when acquitted will be thrilled and jump for joy, so each Christian can rejoice always for this great gift of God.
Access: Believers should rejoice for being chosen to come to His presence. When access is denied to many even to walk around a sacred place, God has granted access to His Holy Eternal Presence. (Psalms 65:4) Because of the Lord Jesus Christ, believers have access to the Father. (Ephesians 2:18)
Acknowledged: Disciples are acknowledged by God, the Shepherd who knows each sheep by name. (John 10:14,27-28) And he has engraved his children in his smart palms (not phones). (Isaiah 49:16)
Approved: God’s children are the people of the Book. They read, study, meditate, memorize, and apply in their lives. Hence, they are approved to do good works in this world and to teach the truth in the world.
Accepted: The Church is the Family of God. All believers are accepted into the Family of God. No one is rejected or turned away. In the world, all humans face rejection from one institution or the other, one community or the other. But, in Christ, all are accepted into the Body of Christ.
Attitude: Christian attitude is shaped by the Holy Spirit. It is an attitude of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control that is evidence of the fruit of the Spirit. (Galatians 5:22-23)
Action: Christians rejoice as they are commissioned as ambassadors of the good news to the broken and fallen world. It is a message of great joy, joyfully declared.
Do I rejoice in the Lord always?