There are a few people who are super-rich and renounce their riches to become monks. One couple gave away wealth worth two billion Indian rupees, equivalent to twenty-four million US dollars. (Business Standard, 16 April 2024) Earlier also there were similar incidents of renouncing materialism and embracing the spirituality of certain religions.
A Rich Young Man: When Lord Jesus was engaged in His earthly ministry, one young, well-accomplished, rich, and high-status man came to Him seeking advice to receive eternal life. (Luke 18:18-30) The Lord gave him a command: Sell his riches and give it to the poor and take up the cross and follow Him.
Test of renunciation: The rich young man failed the test of renunciation. He was not willing to go, sell his wealth, and give it to the poor. It is natural for human beings to seek safety and security in wealth. Most of the people yearn for more rather than being content. Sadly, some people become disillusioned by the wealth they gain. Judas could not enjoy the thirty pieces of silver for which he betrayed his Master Lord Jesus Christ. He threw it in the temple treasury and hanged himself. (Matthew 27:5) However this rich couple should be commended for their ability to renounce such huge wealth.
Test of the cross: Renouncing wealth is a good thing, however, what is done with this life is a great question. Life without wealth should come under the Lordship of Christ. The couple failed the second test. Instead of receiving the truth that has been revealed, the couple decided to search for truth doing great penance. The truth has been revealed and personified in the Lord Jesus Christ. Knowing the giver of life, and being willing to surrender the life to the Lord of life is true renunciation, which leads to taking up the cross.
Power of resurrection: St. Paul was a dynamic, young religious leader who renounced as garbage all his wealth, experience, skills, and knowledge to know the power of the resurrection of Christ. (Philippians 3:11-15)
Have I repented, renounced, and received the Lord Jesus Christ?