Repentance and Intercession

Christian spirituality has three dimensions. Knowing oneself as a sinner who is desperately in need of a savior; knowing God as the redeemer, and knowing about the mission to others. Job went through suffering, though he considered himself righteous and his suffering was without a purpose. Later he understands that he will come out of suffering like gold purified by fire. (Job 23:10-11)
Knowing God: When God asked Job to answer his questions, Job could not. God’s power, and authority cannot be fathomed. And God exercises His power to fulfil His purpose. There is no counsel or idea or knowledge beyond God. (Job 42:1-2) Hearing God, His voice, his perspective about life and himself changed. In the world, most people do not know God, His attributes, His requirements, and expectations. Without knowing God’s holiness, they wallow in sin. Without knowing His righteousness, indulge in injustice and unrighteousness. Without knowing His love, they live in hatred and darkness.
Knowing oneself: For any person, realizing he or she is a sinner is the greatest spiritual discovery. Job understood the fact in God’s Holy presence. He could perceive his filthiness and repented: “I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.” (Job 42:6) The Lord forgave and accepted Job. Many in the world like to find ‘god’ within themselves, which is a futile exercise. All humans are sinners and should have the humility to acknowledge that they are sinners. Without this realization, they cannot seek God or a redeemer.
Knowing God’s purpose: Christian spiritual life does not just end being saved, there is a mission to do. Job had to mature so that he was willing to pray and intercede for his friends. They were ignorant, did not have the right understanding of God, were miserable comforters (Job 16:2), condemned Job, and had to repent themselves. Job’s captivity was changed, not when he repented, but when he interceded for his friends. (Job 42:10) God’s immense blessings come upon a believer when he or she prays for others, ministers, and gets engaged in the Great Commission.
Do I know I am a saved sinner with a mission?