Sacrifice in leadership

There was a village pastor, who self-sustained himself by growing vegetables and having a milk-giving cow. One day a family brought a young man possessed with an evil spirit. Pastor prayed and the man was miraculously healed. The family later became disciples of the Lord. However, the next day, the cow was found dead. There was no reason for its death. Later, the pastor realized the evil spirit while leaving the man, entered the cow and killed it. It was a huge loss for the pastor’s family, yet they rejoiced in the Lord praising God for allowing them to suffer while leading people out of the slavery and darkness of Satan to the Kingdom of God.
Two thousand pigs: The man possessed by an army of evil spirits was delivered. However, the evil spirits asked the Lord Jesus Christ for permission to go into the pigs. When the Lord gave permission, the evil spirits possessed the pigs and drowned them in the sea. (Mark 5:13)
Evil spirits: The evil spirits or demons are the companions of Lucifer, who fell along with him. They are wicked, live in rebellion, and cannot be redeemed. Like their master Satan, they want to kill, destroy, and steal from humans.
Why permission? The evil spirits cannot operate on their own whims. The Lord allowed the evil spirits to torment the pigs because, first, these evil spirits would be unsettled and would try to do more damage in anger. (Matthew 12:43-44) Second, humans are more precious, special, and unique than animals. (Matthew 6:26; 12:12)
The value of the human soul: For some people the lives of animals, birds, reptiles, fish, worms, and even bacteria are of equal value. This is a myth. God created Adam in His image and breathed into his nostrils, that he became a living soul. (Genesis 2:7) The animals, birds, reptiles, and fish were created by a command or word of the Lord. Only in humans does God put the eternal spirit, hence humans are the crown of creation.
Do I realize humans are the crown of God’s creation? (Psalms 8:5)