Self-esteem movement wanted to give children a high sense of self-esteem and gave such parenting trips. Parents realized that it did not bring any desired result. Later, child psychologists understood that children needed to belong: Known and loved. It is not about what they learn, can do or achieve; but how they are accepted, loved and nurtured. Longing to belong is innate in every human person: children, young or old. Lord termed his disciples as His Own. (John 13:1) That means disciples belonged to Lord.
In the world, humans are like ‘cosmic orphans.’ They feel lonely, depressed and let down. They do many things to cheer up themselves. Humans are described as social animal seeking meaningful relationships. Lord’s promise is: “God sets the lonely in families.” (Psalms 68:6) Do not forget, Church is the family of God. Sinners, who are lonely are placed in the ‘Family of God,’ by Lord. Local church is a community that provides a sense of belonging to all believers.
1) Chosen: Believers have the sense of belonging, because Lord has chosen them. (Ephesians 1:4,5) They are chosen before the foundation of the world.
2) Gave Himself: Disciples belong to Lord, because He had given Himself to them. (Ephesians 5:25) Lord loved us, by giving Himself for us.
3) Given by Father: As Lord said to disciples, all his followers are given as gift by the Father to Son. (John 17:11) Heavenly Father has given believers as a gift to Lord Jesus; as bride to the bridegroom.
4) Purchased: Disciples belong to Lord Jesus as they are purchased, not be gold or silver or precious stones but by His blood. (Acts 20:28; I Peter 1:18)
5) Indwell: Lord Jesus conquers the hearts and minds of his disciples. When invited by the disciples, he indwells in them. (Revelations 3:20)
6) Yielded: Disciples belong to the Lord as they have surrendered and yielded to Him as living sacrifice. (Romans 12:1,2)
Is my longing to belong been fulfilled in Lord Jesus Christ?