Sinkhole Swallows A Woman

In a Shopping Mall in China, a woman crosses the floor of the store when it suddenly collapses, swallowing her and two racks of clothing. (NDTV 31 March 2024) In the Bible also we read a similar incident. The earth opened its mouth and swallowed the men. (Numbers 16:32) Why do such unnatural things happen? The Siloam Tower fell and a few people also died. When people were curious to know the reason, the Lord demanded repentance. (Luke 13:1-5)
Accidents: In the imperfect world, accidents do happen. It could affect the righteous and wicked, normal people. No one is exempt, even the holy and righteous. Such sudden incidents could even end in death.
Big and small sinners: People have an idea that some are the worst sinners, some are mild sinners, and the majority are not sinners. So, when accidents and deaths happen to normal or good people, they are perplexed. Such incidents should be to punish wicked people. However, the Bible declares that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)
Death imminent: All humans who are born will die. The death can come at any moment, by any means, and anywhere. So, humans should be always prepared to face death. To live well is to be prepared for death always.
Reflect and Repent: When such accidents, disasters, and destruction happen, the living ought to self-evaluate. It is a warning for them to realize their sinfulness and repent. Instead of speculating reasons, doing postmortem, and creating new theories, humanity is called to repent.
Punishment and Judgment: Some disasters, accidents, and destructions are direct punishment of God. Righteous God executes judgment as he desires. It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of God. (Hebrews 10:31)
Perish: Those who do not repent, seek forgiveness, and resolve to lead a holy life, will come under God’s judgment and will perish. The Bible declares that forgiveness is only through the sacrificial death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Do I respond by reflection and repentance when strange things happen?