Niall Ferguson, as a historian, presents how the spread of Christianity transformed Western nations, which he refers to as the Christian West. Other parts of the world observed the success of the Christian West and sought to emulate it. They adopted six factors, referred to by Niall Ferguson as the “six killer apps,” in their countries to achieve progress and economic prosperity. Paul wrote that the gospel, when preached, brings forth fruit. (Colossians 1:5-6)
1. Competition: European decentralization promoted political and economic competition, leading to the rise of the nation-state and capitalism. However, the Lord teaches the biblical principle of stewardship in the Parable of the Talents. Five talented people have to earn five more by wisely, strategically, and optimally using them. (Matthew 25:14-30)
2. Science: The Christian West made significant advancements in military and academic fields, while scientific progress in the rest of the world lagged. God revealed Himself in His creation. Hence science is a tool to discover the truth in God’s creation. (Romans 1:20)
3. Property: Widespread land ownership and its connection to the democratic process gave the United States a more productive and stable foundation. When God gave the Promised Land to Israel, all families got their portion of the land. Even if it is sold due to any reason, it would be returned in the Year of Jubilee.
4. Modern Medicine: Western medicine, developed and shared through colonial outposts in Africa and other regions, has the potential to double life expectancy. Healing ministry and caring for the suffering is evident in the gospel. While other forms of medicine were owned by a few, not taught, and could not be practices of untouchability, Christians pioneered modern medicine and took that as a mission around the world.
5. Consumerism: A new model of civilization focused on consumption emerged because of prosperity. These products were identified as Western freedom.
6. Work Ethic: Protestantism in America emphasized hard work, saving, and universal education. In many cultures, education was denied to the masses, missionaries took education to those people.
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