People were running in the city of Jerusalem on the main thoroughfare. They were shouting, something strange had happened. News spread fast: More than one hundred people, men and women are lying unconscious or dead. They are followers of Jesus who died a few days ago. Thank God, they were not slain in the Spirit as in modern days but filled with the Holy Spirit.
The Promise: The risen Lord spoke to His disciples and gave them the Promise: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)
Power or powerlessness: The Lord promised that the disciples would receive power or boldness or courage to be His witnesses. Being slain in the Spirit means falling on the ground, mostly backward, and becoming unconscious. That is powerlessness. Witnessing is not absent-minded work, but boldly proclaiming the gospel.
Fall backward: Only the wicked and unbelievers fall backward. The soldiers who came to arrest the Lord in the night with torches, rods, and swords. When the Lord said: “I am he.” God’s power was released instantly, and they were shocked, stunned, and knocked. The entire band of soldiers who were 300 to 600 in number, fell backward and lay on the ground. (John 18:6)
Stand Up! The Spirit of God empowers a person. Gives courage to stand up for Truth, Righteousness, Love, Mercy, and Holiness. God commanded Joshua to stand up, while he was bemoaning the defeat of Israel. (Joshua 7:1) Paul exhorts disciples to stand up with the might of the Lord. (Ephesians 6:10)
Powerful Witness: On the Day of Pentecost, when the disciples received the Spirit of God and overwhelmed them, they spoke of the glory of God in various languages that all who gathered from distant lands could understand. Peter, who was cowardly to deny the Lord three times, stood up boldly and confronted the Jewish crowd with the message of the gospel.
Have I been empowered by the Spirit to be a courageous witness?