Smart Palms of God!

Good friends were concerned about someone who did not update his Facebook wall. It was more than a month. So, they called him to know how he was doing and if he was safe and doing well. When a person does not update his status online, he is missing or dead digitally. God’s amazing promise: “Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are continually before me.” (Isaiah 49:16)
Smartphones or Smart Palms? The advent of digital technology has placed a repository of knowledge, data, memories, and connections in a sleek small device called a smartphone. Those who use social media platforms can easily check the profiles of thousands of people on their gadgets placed in their palms. If technology could provide such a supernatural, yet technologically feasible device, Isaiah asserts that God’s palm itself is good enough to engrave all profiles of all humans.
Wall: Social Media platforms allow everyone to upload their status, at every moment. Information, location, activity, photos, and videos posted on the person’s wall are seen by friends, who know what is happening with him.
Status Updates: Social media platforms like Facebook are a place for self-expression. However, these updates could be only for public consumption. Those conscious of their reputation will only post what people would appreciate and applaud. It is not about transparency but hypocrisy, that only pleasing things are uploaded.
No updates: There would be no updates on gloomy days. Fed up for not receiving the ‘likes’ some stop updating their walls. Some are ashamed of what is happening in their lives, so do not post an update.
No writing on the wall: Even when a person fails to update, God knows the status updates of His people. God knows the thoughts, even before it is expressed in the words. (Matthew 6:8) It is possible to hide on social media without updating the wall. For God, there are continuous updates from his children – thoughts, words, groanings, and lamentations.
How precious I am that my heart wall/slate is continuously before Him?