Suicide Over His Viral Videos

In Rajasthan an elderly man used to collect plastic bottles and waste and sell it for a living. He had a handcart on which he would keep all the stuff. Police said he was being mocked by some youngsters of the Lohawat village who also made his videos and shared them on social media. Hurt and humiliated he committed suicide. (NDTV 24 June 2024) Mocking, ridiculing, and humiliating can kill a person’s spirit, aspirations, ambitions, and hope. When they are together, teenagers could become an unruly mob and harm a victim.
Elisha and unruly youngsters:
Elisha was a young prophet of about 25 years or even less. With a heavy heart, he returns to Bethel after Elijah his mentor was taken up to Heaven in chariots of fire. His friend, philosopher, and guide was gone. As he walked, unruly youngsters who were opposed to the true God, blocked the mountain pass. They teased him as he was bald, and asked him to go off as Elijah went up to Heaven. (II Kings 2:23-25) When he saw the youngsters could attack, harm, and kill him, he cursed them. Two female bears appeared, and the youngsters tried to subdue the bears. 42 of them were mauled, and injured, but not dead. God had warned to send wild animals as a warning and punishment. (Leviticus 26:22)
Youngsters could gang up together to mock individuals or families for various reasons. Elisha was mocked for his faith in the true God, and for being an associate of Elijah who stopped rains at God’s commandment. The elderly man was mocked because he was poor, lonely, powerless, and could not defend himself.
Dignity of labour
Some people are humiliated for their work or profession or job. In a culture, where those who defile, pollute, and dirty are esteemed, but who clean up are ridiculed as low caste, the elderly old man became a butt of jokes. Taking videos and making them viral made him ashamed. Neither his work nor his person was dignified.
Am I insensitive to hurt and mock the poor and unfortunate?