“System failed me”

An aspirant to become a doctor appeared in the National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET), but there was a systemic failure. The question papers were leaked, grace marks were given to some, few got perfect scores which was not possible, and answer sheets were tampered. She said: “I didn’t fail the exam, the system failed me.” (The Print 11 June 2024) The system or the law that was created to do good failed her. Paul writes about the human experience. Though the Law is good, holy, and righteous, cannot save sinners. (Romans 7:12) The Law makes humans conscious of their sins and exposes their inability to fulfill the Law.
Religious systems: Many religious systems are being practiced and promulgated around the world. Also, many gurus form their own groups and cults. All claim to lead people to salvation. All these spiritualities are based on assumptions, expectations, human prowess, psychic skills, mysterious knowledge, and austere practices. Trying to search and reach out to God over there, is the summary of their religious system. They are not authentic revelations from the Creator God.
Self-revealing God: The human mind is finite. God is infinite. Humans with finite minds and intelligence can’t know, understand, find, or comprehend God and His attributes. Hence, God revealed Himself through Nature, Law (His Word), and Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Inability of Law: Two things the law cannot do are Justification and sanctification. Law is like a schoolmaster that can define sin, quantum of punishment, and sacrifice based on repentance for reconciliation. (Galatians 324) Nevertheless, the Law gives witness or direction to look to the Lord Jesus Christ who died on the cross of Calvary, buried and rose again.
Declared righteous: Paul writes that the Law cannot declare a person righteous. Only the Lord Jesus Christ, who shed his blood for redemption, justifies a person who has faith in him. The spirit of law could enslave a person, but the Spirit of Christ will set a person free. All systems would fail, but Lord Jesus never fails.
Am I under the protection of the Unfailing Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ?