Thorns and Thistles

Because of human Fall, God cursed the earth. Sin brought many unwanted and irritating aspects into the world. One of them is thorns and thistles. For a farmer and gardener, thorns and thistles are a daily challenge. Even in the life of disciples, there could be thorns and thistles of different natures. Peninnah was a thorn in the life of Hannah.
Problems created: Peninnah was the wife of Elkanah in a village in the hill country of Ephraim. He had another wife, Hannah. (I Samuel 1:1-2) Some Jewish traditions provide an option for a second marriage when a married couple does not have children. Peninnah was proud that she had children and humiliated Hannah in her daily life. She also ridiculed Hannah for not being able to give birth to a child. Hence, Peninnah considered Hannah not worthy to be loved but hated.
Options for Hannah: There were not many options for Hannah. How long would she be living as a humiliated, hated, and ridiculed person? First, she could fight with Peninnah. That will not solve her problem of childlessness. Second, she could run away from home. However, Elkanah loved her and she was unable to get away. Third, she could have committed suicide. Fourth, taking refuge in God was the best option.
Peninnah’s indirect help: The thorn pricks of Peninnah helped Hannah to evaluate her life, including her spiritual life. She found a four-step process. First, Seek God instead of depending on humans, including her loving husband. Look unto God, from where help comes. (Psalms 121:1) Second, Surrender in prayer to God the situation, problems, people, tears, pain, and suffering. Hannah poured her heart out to God, that what he uttered could not be understood. Third, Hannah could discern God’s plan, and she submitted to God with faith, the gift of the son she would receive. Fourth, Hannah was no sadder.
Hannah’s Purpose: As the thorns of life pricked her, Hannah was driven to God’s presence and understood, God loved her to give not just a son, but a prophet Samuel.
Do I seek God’s purpose amid adversity of thorns?