Trade of spirituality

Sadly, some Christian preachers have commodified Spiritual service for a price. Like selling pens for students, oil for the sick, and many such novelties. Desperate people think it is God’s provision from a servant of God. Many students found the pen not working while writing exams, good they had regular pens with them. Prophet Jeremiah wrote: “For both prophet and priest ply their trade through the land and have no knowledge.” (Jeremiah 14:18)

No knowledge: Jeremiah such prophets and priests who did not have any knowledge of the Word of God. Probably, they knew the rituals, customs, ceremonies, and external forms of religion, but lacked true knowledge of God. They imitated the outward forms of religion but did not read or listen, think, or meditate on the Law of Moses. They misunderstood Godliness and spirituality as a set formula or mantra or mechanics. Later in history, Lord Jesus Christ condemned them as whitewashed tombs. (Matthew 23:27-28)

False Hope: Without knowledge, they gave false hope, assurance, guarantees, and promises. Without faith and obedience, there are no blessings from the Lord. However, these leaders gave a wrong impression to the people of God that He was pleased with the external form of religion: sacrifices, fasts, and others. Modern-day hope givers make people believe, that donating to their ministry will bring God’s blessings.

Ply their trade: The term means to do business in public to attract customers and consumers. The intention is to have a larger constituency, with larger income and profits. In other words, it is mammon and not God the focus of their ministry. Prophets and priests were plying their trade throughout the land. That means they penetrated all geographical areas and turned people towards them instead of God.

God was not pleased: These religious leaders deceived themselves and others thinking they were pleasing, honoring, serving, and representing God. They may address God as Lord and claim to have represented Him in doing miracles. Yet, God will say: “I never knew you, go away from me, you evildoers.” (Matthew 721-23)

Do I know Him and His Word?