Lazarus who was dead and buried was raised to life by Lord Jesus Christ. When he came out of the tomb he was bound with clothes. Lord commanded the people who are there to Unbind or Loose him, so that he could move freely. (John 11:44) The dead person could be bound with head scarf, or strips of clothes around his body. Those clothes could be suffocating and giving out bad smell.
This task was done by the Lord, but by those in the family – relatives, friends, disciples and villagers. Giving new life is the task of the Lord but removing the Dead clothes is the task of community of believers or the local church. Lazarus had life but did not have abundant life. Many believers are like the risen Lazarus tied or bound by rags, unable to do anything.
1) Dead works: Believers could do works that are not profitable or fruitful. (Hebrews 6:1) Not serving the Lord with joyfulness and gladness means to do dead works. Elder son did things routinely without cheerfulness and could not accept his younger brother in the Parable of Prodigal Son. Doing things that are not according to God’s will are dead works.
2) Filthy rags: Some are bound by filthy rags. Prophet Isaiah declared that our human, rational concept of righteousness is like filthy rags or polluted clothes. (Isaiah 64:6) Sinful habits, unproductive inclinations and unedifying entertainments are like filthy rags.
3) Cultural rags: There are many believers who are bound by cultural traditions and not renewed to scriptural truths. Keeping auspicious days, following omens and unbiblical practices are cultural rags.
Lazarus by grace of Lord Jesus Christ defeats death, was set free, reunited to his family, and planted in the community to serve. The community made sure that he was truly free from bondage. Is our local church proactively involved in setting believers free to become productive, profitable, and blessing to others?
Do I unbind and set people free?