Valuable associates

Good leaders have valuable associates, and thus they become great. In ministry also great achievers have good associates, colleagues, friends, prayer partners, well-wishers, and volunteers. Paul has several of them including Timothy, Titus, Silas, Luke, and others. Leaders should value their spouses and colleagues the Lord provides them.
Common faith: Paul refers to Titus as the son of the common faith. (Titus 1:4) Paul commends Titus as a true child of God. It also means that all who are in Christ have a shared faith. The faith is common and it equally belongs to Paul, Titus, and all believers.
Vineyard: In God’s vineyard, Paul considered Titus as his brother. Paul missed Titus when he was not around. (II Corinthians 2:13) They are related because of the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Perception: Paul wanted to make sure that others viewed and considered Titus with the right attitude. Hence, he instructed the believers in Corinth to introduce Titus as Paul’s partner, and fellow worker. (II Corinthians 8:23)
Trusted: Titus was a person of integrity and could be trusted. He was given the responsibility to receive the offerings collected from the believers in Corinth. (II Corinthians 8:6) Christians should be above reproach in financial matters.
Comforted: Paul felt lonely. But when Titus arrived, he was comforted. (II Corinthians 7:6) There are some when they come there is a negative atmosphere, commotion, discomfort, even chaos. However, when godly leaders like Titus come there is always comfort.
Pastoral heart: Titus had a pastoral heart. He shepherded people with earnest care as Paul did. (II Corinthians 8:16) A servant’s attitude, a steward’s mindset, and a shepherd’s heart make a good leader, Titus was one such leader.
Same spirit: Like Paul, Titus did not take advantage of the congregation. He did not consider them as milking cows, to extract as much as possible. Like Paul Titus was willing to expend himself and spend all he had. (II Corinthians 12:18,15) Paul and Titus knew that it is more blessed to give than receive. (Acts 20:35)
Do I consider valuable associates as assets given by God?