Warning billboards protect people from accidents, disasters, and destruction. In spiritual life also, there is a need for warning, exhortation, and direction. W.H. Griffith Thomas gives us insight to understand the Book of Hebrews. There are five warnings in this book for believers so that they are not destroyed. Ignoring warning messages is self-defeating.
Drift: The writer of Hebrews emphasizes the fact that negligence of discipline, standard practices and not being alert could distract, deviate, and drift from the right course or path. (Hebrews 2:1-4) The daily discipline of meditating on the Word, prayer, fellowship, and witnessing is essential for spiritual health and growth.
Doubt: Certainly, doubt is the enemy of faith. The Children of Israel had promises from the faithful God. Yet, they did not receive in faith, and could not enter the Rest. (Hebrews 3:7-4:13) The Promises of God are yes in Christ but could not be realized because of lack of faith. The faith could be as small as a mustard seed but should not be contaminated by doubt to accomplish great things of God. (Matthew 17:20)
Deform: There was no spiritual growth. The audience of Hebrews was supposed to be teachers, taking solid food, but were desiring milk. (Hebrews 5:11-6:20) They did not have the capacity to digest the spiritual food. Deformity is not maturing; hence they were going to the basics again and again instead of moving forward.
Despise: If believers despise God’s gift and grace, they will be judged. There is no more sacrifice for their atonement or forgiveness. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living God. (Hebrews 10:26-31) Even today, people despise it by considering grace as cheap. Hyper-grace preachers state that even future sins are forgiven, hence indulging in sin is not an issue.
Deny: Roots of bitterness, sexual immorality, and ungodliness (like Esau) are sins that deny the power of God’s grace. Israel did not want God to speak to them. Believers should not refuse to listen to His voice. Instead, believers should be grateful to receive the kingdom and offer acceptable worship with reverence and awe. (Hebrews 12:15-29)
Am I humble enough to receive warning messages?