What is ministry?

The word ‘ministry’ could mean a government department and the service, functions, and professional role of a religious leader, a pastor, or a priest. God’s blessings also come to humans as ministry.
Ministry of Redemption: When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, they were spiritually dead. They lost the capacity to communicate with God and hid themselves. All descendants of the first couple are spiritually blind, dead, and live in darkness. Holy God demands that the innocent blood be shed for redemption. The Lord Jesus Christ the Lamb of God died to take away the sin of the world. (John 1:29)
Ministry of Reconciliation: Paul writes that the redeeming act of the Lord Jesus Christ reconciles those who believe in God, who are a new creation. The believers are entrusted with the ministry of reconciliation to the world. (II Corinthians 5:17-18)
Ministry of Renewal of Mind: The mission of the church is to renew the minds of people, which means to change the worldview. Only when a person’s mind is renewed, he could refuse to follow the traditions and trends of the world. Instead, one could choose the Will, Plan, and Purpose of God, which is good, perfect, and pleasing. (Romans 12:2)
Ministry of Rejoicing: The three parables about lost and found, ends in celebration and rejoicing. (Luke 15) The Virgin girl, the Shepherd, and the Father rejoice and celebrate. If one sinner repents, there is a great celebration and rejoicing of angels in the presence of the Father.
Ministry of Restoration: Those who are reconciled with God are also restored and endowed with the divine nature. (II Peter 1:4) This is to be fruitful by doing good in the world. Becoming meaningful contributors to the world.
Ministry to rebuild: The ministry of believers is to rebuild, raise foundations, repair, and restore. Prophet Isaiah writes: “And your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; you shall be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets to dwell in.” (Isaiah 58:12)
Do I minister to the world blessings of God?