One mission leader died, many in their organization commented: “We are left as orphans.” Many young leaders who were inspired and mentored by him, felt lonely, without a fatherly figure. “Now when Elisha had fallen sick with the illness of which he was to die, Joash king of Israel went down to him and wept before him, crying, “My father, my father! The chariots of Israel and its horsemen!” (II Kings 13:14) Joash felt like an orphan, as he was under the paternal protection of his mentor Elisha. All of us experience family members, relatives, leaders, mentors, peers, coaches and counsellors who have shaped our life and move to their heavenly life. Immediately a sense of helplessness and hopelessness sets in. Nevertheless, we must understand God’s Sovereign rule and plan, and move forward.
1) Pushed up to leadership: When senior family members die, others are pushed up to take up leadership. Sometimes, few ought to take such a role at a young age. Trusting God, we have to move to take the mantle. When Elijah was caught up to heaven, Elisha stepped in to take the office of prophet.
2) Pushed up to stewardship: God entrusts resources, opportunities and future in our hands. Like the man who entrusted his servants’ talents, our forefathers leave giving us something, for which we are stewards. We cannot bury them, instead use it like our predecessors or even better than them.
3) Pushed up to mentorship: When leaders leave, there is a vacuum. Those who exist are expected to fill that vacuum. Mentoring upcoming youngsters so that they would be ready when we leave is essential. In the upgraded role, God could keep us for a season, during that season, we should look for potential successors and mentor them.
4) Pushed into the arena: Now, in the arena of action, we cannot be silent or a spectator. This is the time to act. It is like the roving oars of a boat entrusted, continuously we must sail, until we reach the destination.
Are we ready to take newer challenges?