Kings cut off the defeated kings of their thumbs and toes. Seventy kings struggled to pick up scraps to fill their stomachs, under the table of Adoni-bezek. (Judges 1:4-7) When Israel caught him, he also got the same treatment, his thumbs and big toes were cut off. He realized that God had repaid him.
Custom: In the ancient world, especially among Romans who disliked military service, they would cut off their thumbs. Then they will be rejected from recruitment. Sometimes parents who do not want their children to be recruited by the army cut off the thumbs of their children.
Ruthless punishment: Kings used this as punishment against enemy kings and the warriors of enemy nations. It is to make them politically and militarily powerless. Without thumbs they cannot use weapons of war, without big toes, they cannot effectively march. That reduced them to be dependent on others, even begging to survive.
Superiority complex: In ancient days, the kings arrogated themselves as gods. They ill-treated and mistreated those they considered enemies, dissidents, traitors, opponents, and potential threats. They would judge others, without showing mercy.
Entitlement mentality: These winners thought they inherited divine privileges to enjoy and also to deprive others of their rights. They do not recognize others as human beings and even treat them like animals.
Joy in others’ suffering: Strangely, they enjoy watching others suffer. Even in the Roman Empire throwing humans in front of wild animals and watching was considered as sports and entertainment. Christians were burnt as live torches, while the persecuted Christians were thrown before hungry animals. It could be termed a psychological and mental sickness.
Joy in others’ humiliation: Adoni-bezek could have at least provided food and water for the defeated kings. But, as he was enjoying his meals, he dropped food so that the kings could compete to somehow pick up crumbs to eat. Their humiliation, agony, and suffering brought joy to him.
Love your enemies: The Lord Jesus Christ taught his disciples to love, pray, and bless their enemies. (Matthew 5:44)
Do I treat others with dignity, courtesy, and love?