Alpha and Omega

“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” (Revelation 1:8) God is not talking about Alpha and Omega? Alpha is the beginning of all seen and unseen. Omega represents the end of history.
1) Salvation: Lord is the beginning that He first loved us. He is the end, as apart from Him there is no redemption. There is only one name for salvation: Lord Jesus Christ. There is no name under heaven or above earth for human salvation. (Acts 4:12)
2) Love: God demonstrated His love by creating Adam and Eve and continuously worked with rebellious humanity to lead them to salvation. God loved us even when we were yet sinners, weak, rebellious, disobedient, ungodly, and enemies of God. (Romans 5: 6-10)
3) Purpose and Meaning: Humans are created for the glory of God. Knowing Him helps a person to find meaning for existence; and purpose or plan for his/her life. God created humans for His glory. (Isaiah 43:7) God the creator has purpose and plan for each human who is born in the world. To know this, God’s will is true wisdom.
4) Preaching: God has called His church to preach or propagate the gospel. The Lord Jesus Christ is the heart of the gospel. Christian preaching is incomplete without preaching the Lord Jesus Christ.
5) Creation: The Triune God created all things seen from nothing. No one else could create anything out of nothing. They can sadly only speculate philosophy that all will become nothing. (nihilism)
6) Revelation: God has revealed Himself through his creation. (Romans 1:20) Then God is gracious to reveal Himself through His Word. The Lord Jesus Christ is the ultimate revelation for humanity. (Hebrews 1: 1-2) Apart from these, there is no revelation or vision that reveals God to humanity.
7) Our faith: The Lord is the author, finisher or perfection of our faith. (Hebrews 12:2) Faith is indeed a gift of the Holy Spirit. (Galatians 5:22-23)
Do I understand God as Alpha and Omega?